Feigned Love: I work here

After dinner, Ava helps her mom to clear the dining table and wash the dishes while the men leave for their separate rooms.

“ Ava, how are you? have Lucas contacted you for reconciliation?" Sophia asked

“nope, it seems he is happy with Jenny. so I have to accept that" Ava replied with a cracking voice

Sophia stopped washing and used the towel to dry her hands, she holds Ava's hands and tries to give a word of comfort “ am so sorry for bringing up that topic" she apologize

“ why don't you leave the dishes and go to your room, I will finish up whatever is left" Sophia added

" ok mom, good night" Ava replied and walked to her room.

She gets closer to her room to retire for the night, she founds out that her brothers door is open and his light is still on

“ that's strange, but he sleeps early" Ava wondered why

She takes a step towards his room, she opens the door. “ is there any one here, Jett are you there. I saw your door open and your room light is on" Ava asked

She gets in and sees her brother so focused on his laptop, she walks and takes a sit on the sofa and keeps her eyes on him.

“ Like seriously, are you going to sit there and just pretend that am not here," Ava asked

“ I thought maybe you came to admire your brother" Jett teased her and raised his head to see her face

“ ha..ha admire you, oh my gosh. am here because your door was opened and your room light is on" Ava chuckled

“ which I know is unlike you" Ava added

“ so what are you doing? you seem serious" Ava questioned

“ just checking the sells of the company and potential competition" Jett replied with his eyes fixed on the system

“ ok, I guess I will leave you good night" Ava responded and left his room

“ hmmm" jett replied.

Ava woke up to a brand new day, she yawned and stretched her body. she got up and prepared for work, after her preparation she joined her family for breakfast and left for the company with her brother because her car was left at the company yesterday.

When they arrived at the company, she waved her brother good bye and left for her office. she received a lot of documents to review, they just released a new product to the market so they are asking for everyone's opinion on how to boost their sales with a lot of competitions that is on the market.

An emergency meeting was scheduled to hold that morning, everyone made there way to the conference room. The marketing department explained the situation at hand to everyone.

“ we have a demanding competition in the market, any one who can come up with any reasonable option on how to tackle this issue will receive an automatic promotion" Jett who is the CEO declared and closed the meeting for everyone to return back to their offices and think.

Ava looked through all the documents and got enough informations on the new product,

“ Hi miss Ava ought you going to eat something" One of the staff interrupted her

“ oh I didn't know that it's up to lunch period am coming" Ava who was so lost on the documents did even know it was time for break.

She got up from her sit and made her way to the company's cafeteria, it was actually her first time to come her.

“ not bad" she commented and walked down to collect her food as she turned to looked for a table to eat, she saw someone who she felt she has met somewhere as she got closer she immediately recognized him.

The young man she chanced on at the entrance of the building, “ what is he doing here?" she wondered.

To solve the puzzle, she walked towards his table. Ye- Jun noticed some one is coming towards him, he slowly lifts up his head and hi eyes meets the eyes of an elegant beauty.

He immediately recognized, “ Hi" he spoke with a smile

“ hello, I don't know if you remember me we chanced at the company's entrance" Ava responded and took a seat on the table with him

“ yes I do remember you" Ye- Jun replied

“ ok, so what are you doing here?" Ava asked

“ wow, it's seems your new, I actually work here" he replied

“ am the head of the financial department, the assistant actually. the man is old so I run most of the errands that's why sometimes am seen as the head" he added

Ava who was surprised spoke “ yes you are right am new here, despite the fact that my family owns the company, I work at the marketing department that's why I don't know anyone here because I have not paid any attention here”

“ wow, why did you settle for the lowest position when you could be the boss" Ye- jun asked

“ What is the use of being a boss when you don't know anything about your company, your workers can trick you and steal your money" she replied

“ and I don't want anyone to feel injustice, so I decided to start from the bottom so that I can gain experience " Ava added

“ hmmm, that's good by the way my name is Ye- Jun" He gave an introduction and brought his hand for a hand shake

“ My name is Ava Stone, am sure you know everything about me" Ava accepted the hand shake

Ye- Jun looked at his wrist watch and saw it was almost over for lunch,

“ Am sorry miss Ava, I have to go, I have a lot of things to do, hope to see and talk next time and become friends" he excused himself and walked out of the cafeteria.

Ava looked at his back as he walked out, she immediately rounded up her eating and left to continue what is on her table.

The following day she followed the same routine but she drove herself to work and started her activities for that day.

“ Hi my role model good afternoon sunshine " one of the staffs who is close to ava greeted

“ oh, hello Amelia how are you?" Ava answered

“ Am fine, thank you" she smiled and took a sit

“ so tell me when is the latest runway going to be" she asked

“ I don't know still waiting" Ava replied

“ oh come on, you have to know, I want to watch you cat walk" Amelia teased

“ hah..ha” Ava laughed

“ have patience fan girl very soon you will see my cat walk" she added and continued with her work

“ok I will wait" she responded and kept quiet

After some few minutes that both decided to go for lunch, as they made there way to the cafeteria Amelia gave Ava a lot of news, stories and gossips. They took there food and moved towards the table to sit down.

“ hey have you figured out a way for the product in the market?" Amelia asked as they sat down to start eating

“ No, not yet, still thinking but no reasonable idea" Ava replied

“ what of you any ideas yet? " she questioned

“ No, I think the competition is now more than ever"Amelia remarked

“ your right" a voice joined in the conversation, they both looked towards the direction where the voice came from and they saw Ye- Jun close to there table with his food

“Do you mind if I join you ladies" he requested

They both gave a nod indicating their approval, he sat down with Amelia facing Ava directly.

“ I just wish someone finds a good and possible solution”Amelia brought everyone's s attention back to the discussion at hand.

“ yeah I wish so too" Ye- Jun and Ava spoke in unison

They both gasped and stared at each other

“ it seems we are thinking alike Miss Ava" Ye- Jun spoke

“ I can't say for sure" Ava replied

“ So Mr Ye- Jun who is your role model, like who do you love his or her talent a lot" Amelia who decided to change the topic asked

“ Mhmm, I like BTS a lot" He replied as he chewed the food he placed in to his mouth

“ wait do you like them because they are good looking and males and obviously have the highest fandom “ Amelia asked

“ no not because of that, I just love them" Ye- Jun responded

“ or they shouldn't be my role model because they are males " he questioned

“ nope am not saying so" Amelia replied

Ye- Jun turned to Ava who has been quiet and eating decided to ask her“ Miss Ava so who is your role model”

Ava who has been mute raised her head and looked at him, she took the glass of juice drank a bit and replied “ BTS"

“ Wow, both of you have the same role models" Amelia was surprise

“ Mhm" Ava replied

“ I like their story is has a lot of inspiration, so you can say am an Army" She added

“ we are both armies" Ye- Jun spoke

“ My role model is no other person than Miss Ava Stone here”Amelia spoke

“ That's great" Ye- Jun replied

“ I follow her on all her social media handles” Amelia spoke

“ wow I can say your really one wonderful fan girl" Ava praised Amelia

“ of course I am "Amelia responded

“ I really love you a lot, Any shows she goes for I must watch it, any company she model for I will try to get anything from that particular company" She added

As soon as Amelia made her last statement, Ava felt like a bomb just dropped. The solution has just hit her now, the solution for the products in the market.

“ Why didn't I think to that extent" She murmured some words

Amelia who was so engrossed in her explanation noticed that no one was listening to her, she looked at Ye- Jun and followed his eyes to see Ava lost in her thoughts.

“ Ava are you alright" Amelia brought Ava back to herself

“ Guys thanks I just figured it out, Amelia your the best" Ava dropped a kiss on her head and walked out of the cafeteria with a lot of speed.

“ is she okay" Amelia asked

“ I don't know" Ye- Jun replied and left the cafeteria

“ Strange" Amelia murmured and stood up to leave the cafeteria as her friends are no longer here so there is no need to stay alone, she walked to her own table.

Ava walked down to her brothers office, she opened the door and saw him talking with the manager.

“oh, am sorry I will want outside" Ava apologize

“ there is no problem, we are done talking, you can come in" the manager replied

“ I will be taking my leave sir" the manager spoke to Jett

“ ok" jett responded

the manager left the office and Ava cane inside and took a sit.

“So, sis what do you want?"jett questioned

“ I think I have found the solution to the products in the market" Ava spoke

“ really, so what is your suggestions" jett asked

“ we all have our role models right" Ava asked

“ yes we do" jett replied and stared at her waiting for her to continue.

“ so I was thinking, since majority of our buyers are young persons, let's use a popular person to push the sales" Ava continued

“ I don't understand you" jett said

“ I mean, since you know that am a role model of a lot of people, people tend to go for products I advertise" Ava explained

“ and considering that our new brand is all about make up, let's use a popular person, a person who has a huge fan base to advertise the product" Ava stopped and look at her brother to know if he understands what she just said.

“ you know my mind has not gone to that side, your right sis, your right" Jett praised her

Jett took his phone and made a call,

“ I want all the department to gather for a meeting, we just found out the solution, inform every one" jett gave a commend to the person on the other side of the phone.

“ it's wonderful that the company decided to branch into the cosmetic" Ava said

“ it was my idea and an inspiration from you" Jett spoke

Ava smiled and Jett took his phone to speak with someone else's.