Feigned Love: Untitled

Amelia gave a nod and stole a gaze at Ye- Jun to see his face burning with Jealous and she pulled a surprising face and made a “O" with her mouth.

After some few minutes Ava rounded up her work and they left the company building, Ava suggested to drive them home but Ye - Jun refused saying that his meeting up with a friend of his, so Amelia left with Ava.

Ava dropped Amelia at her house and drove home, Ye- Jun walked down to the grocery store to meet Riley. Riley sent a text to him on were to meet, they bought the things together and left. On there way Ye- Jun decided they stopped by at the ice cream store and get some before going home.

“ Are you okay? “ Riley asked because Ye- Jun has been keeping a low face since he returned from work

“ Am fine, let's eat" He replied

“ Ok" Riley responded without pushing it further

After dinner, Riley went to sleep, and Ye- Jun stayed awake thinking of how to get Ava's attention,