
When Hunter and his father arrived at the site where his whole family was, he found only a few of them there. It was usual for his parents to gather with their big family on vacations where Hunter could meet his cousins, uncles, aunties, nephews, and nieces. Even though he was not related by blood, they had accepted him like their own family.

Now, where is she? Hunter searched around as far as his eyes could see but he couldn’t find where Claire was.

“Bro! Finally! Where were you?”

Someone patted Hunter’s back from behind. It was Nate Wright, his cousin from his father’s side. Nate had the same age as him, not only that, Nate was practically the only best buddy he had.

“Chatting with my dad, changing my outfit too,” Hunter said while responding to Nate’s fist bump and light hug.

“Hey, congrats on your wedding, man! Thank you so much for not making me your best man,” Nate said, sarcastically.