
“Just so you know, I didn’t know there’d be a strip show,”

Hunter stared at both his mother and Claire before throwing a light glance at Nate that says ′come on, man, you make us look guiltier’.

“But… despite all the reasons why I threw my first fist,-- Nate was just helping me, anyway-- … I know how much you hate it when I get into a fight... I’m sorry… I-- just lost control,” Hunter said in his usual way, emotionless.

Mrs. Wright was just staring at her son. There’s nothing new about Hunter being distant, closed, and cold, she knew all about that. But to see Hunter explain something and say sorry after admitting his wrongs? That’s new.

Hunter never apologized for getting into a fight in the past, not when he’s innocent or guilty. And the last time he got into a fight was before he almost finished college. Back then, raising Hunter was quite challenging.