Bad Day

When the plane had landed at Zaxe City and the airstairs were opening down, Claire and Hunter were walking toward the airstair. As the door was wide open Claire could see a black sedan nearby. She was in the middle of stepping toward the stairs when Hunter touched her elbow from her back.

“Claire… That car is for you… The driver will take you back to our Condo,--” He said rather quickly and coldly, avoiding Claire’s eyes. “Uh, --I have to take care of that urgent matter in Avante City,”

“Oh...--” She murmured, slightly looking down at her feet.

Claire couldn’t help to glance at the stewardess that seemed happy to see Hunter sending her home.

“-- Okay…” Claire said softly as she pushed herself to be calm. “I’ll see you later...then… Take care,”

Then she turned her back and stepped down the stairs without looking back or saying anything more.

At first, her steps were slow as she wondered why Hunter decided not to go home with her, or why she suddenly felt sad.