Bad Timing

Claire was speechless for a second, she didn’t know what to answer. Like completely clueless, she didn’t know where Hunter was right now.

She kept calm and blinked her eyes normally, trying not to give any hint of her loneliness or sadness over the fake life she lives there.

“Working… Heh, in another city, I think --M-Mobwit City... He’s a hardworking man,--” Claire said smoothly with a few chuckles. Though she chose not to look into his eyes since she just randomly mentioned any city.

“--but don’t worry, I’ll go easy on my ankle, I’ll manage,”

“The food is ready, kids!” Mrs. Delaney shouted from the kitchen.

Bruce rolled his eyes and smiled as he heard his mom call them with the word kids. He helped Claire to the kitchen and they ate dinner together.

From the conversation that night, Claire found out that Mrs. Delaney hardly sees Hunter there, leaving her to answer slash lying, again, to every question asked.