The Best Present In Her Life

Claire was about to answer strongly for the umpteenth time but she just remembered all about her wedding ring. She was shocked, staring at her ringless fingers as she was gasping and panicking.

She had lost her wedding ring.

“Oh my gosh!!” Claire said, gasping as she put her left hand on her mouth.

She touched her forehead, feeling hopeless, guilty. She had lost something worth a lot.

“I-I-I lost the ring…–I know I have a lot of things to apologize to you… b-but I have to call the place now, –maybe it’s still there–!” She said, her voice trembling a bit.

Claire took a step forward, intending to take her phone but Hunter didn’t move, standing tall in her way.

She could see and was confused why Hunter didn’t let her try to reach her phone to find her ring back.

“Where and how did you lose it?”