Lying Mother Smith


"WELL GOOD THING YOU'VE GOT this date, I've been wanting to go shopping for a while now," Sarah said as we strolled down each aisle of the store we were currently in.

"Good thing you know I'd eat you alive if you went without me, date or not."

The only reason we're only going shopping is that William invited me for dinner at his place, he finally fixed a date for when he cooks me dinner.

And like the lazy woman, I am I don't have any clothes suitable for dinner so here I am with Sarah scouring every aisle in this store for a dress and some other few things.

"Wait a minute, what do you even mean by you don't have any clothes, what about all those in your wardrobes"

she's right

"I know, I just don't have any I think is suitable for this dinner" I replied as I run my fingers through the clothes on the rack checking them out.

"What does Jax think about your dinner date?"

"What do you mean?"

"Does he know about you and William?"