Chapter -72 Police stepped back

In the school surveillance area, The chairman was looking at the footage from the CCTV that had been fixed in the main gate. Two policemen were standing beside him, watching the footage carefully as the operator played it.

He didn't locate any cars in front of the school. He scratched his nose with one hand as he kept his suspicious stare on the surveillance video.

"Sir, there is no car!" one of the policemen gave his opinion.

"Yes, this feels strange," the chairman gave his opinion.

"How can we proceed without proof?" another policeman asked.

The chairman was annoyed by her opinion and raised his voice at them, "Don't you hear the students gossip?"

"They had all seen that car."

"Calm down, sir!" The policeman tried to calm down his anger. And gave another opinion: "How about asking the witness that saved them?"

"Okay," the chairman agreed quickly and without consideration.

"Stay with him!" Eron ordered Larzhy, who moved her gaze towards him upon hearing him.