Chapter -79 Eu-meh's evil love for animals

That little girl's mother rushed out of the tiled-roofed small house, panicking, as soon as she heard her child's screaming sound.

That chile hid behind her mother's leg by grabbing it tightly as Eu-meh halted in front of her mother by facing that child.

Her mother's fluttered hand covered her child from Eu-meh.

Eu-meh's father reached her too.

"How dare you kill the butterfly?" Eu-meh wryly tried to hit her with that big stick while that child's mother weirdly stared at her.

Her father grabbed her hand and elbow while she stepped forward to let that stretching big stick touch the little girl who was hiding behind her mother's leg. The little girl's mother stepped backward as she held her child carefully and frowned at her.

Juyun pulled the rope of his horse, and it put the brakes on its running feet as he heard Eu-meh's screeching voice.

He blocked Beom Seok, his non-blood relative brother, so he pulled the rope of his horse, and his horse halted behind Juyun's.