Do not wake up Stark!

Stark punched his nose without even second thought and kicked to the ground as Mr. Andreas' teeth started to bleed.

Eron gently tapped on stunned, frightened Larzhy's cheek to get her back to consciousness while Stark was beating Mr.Andreas to death.

Felix was annoyed, pushed Eron away, and dictated in a rush in a loud voice. "You should hug her, Eron. What's wrong with you?"

Felix hugged her tightly instead of Eron and brushed her hair caringly until she came back to consciousness, leaving Eron to realise what was wrong with him.

"Eron, Felix, come here," Stark called to them as he tied Mr. Andreas' hand in front.

"Are you okay?" Felix asked, flipping her hair up when she nodded in response.

Then they rushed to Stark, who was kneeling near Mr. Andreas' hip. Eron tied Mr. Andreas' hand above his head, and Felix gripped his legs to keep them from wagging.

"Give me your knife," Stark asked, stretching his hand towards Felix.