Who is sending you a letter?

At night, Stark was calling her mother since she hadn't returned home continuously for four days.

He only got the phone call sound, which became cut after a long time of calling. "How is she working outside at this hour?"

He tried again. This time, her mother picked her up. Before he could spill his words, her mother rushed, "I can't come. Don't call me again."

She then hangs up the phone. Stark snorted. Keep staring at the phone. "Is trying to be alive wrong? Why is everyone treating me like this?" He cursed himself and got a tight grip on the phone.

Thereafter, he went inside his room and shut the door.

The next day blossomed fresh, and Stark entered the classroom first.

Before he placed his bag next to Larzhy's seat, he accidentally spotted a green letter with a white box under Lisa's table.

"What is that?" He mumbled and moved to her chair to take a look at it.