- That's what I said. - The king said.

- Then leave me in charge. - The demon said.

- What should I do then. – The king questioned him.

- Arrest him, leave him in the dungeon, let me take care of the rest.

What the king did not tell and didn't seem to care about the provenance of his lifelong wish granter.

Contrary to what everyone thought, he was deceived by the king, thrown into a dungeon, he was visited by a dark sorcerer, the king who threw him there did not like the deal he made, but he did not know what would happen to him. advice from the traveller who passed through his kingdom, and said that everything would be resolved in his kingdom, if he went to visit Rumpelstichen in his dungeon.

So, getting there, he saw him with a parchment.

- For you to gain your freedom, I want 1000 lifetime agreements for you to be released from your obligation, but it has to be revenge agreements. - He said.

- I'm not doing this. Rump said.