Due to the complications, in which he suffered from the acid, in which he died, but ended up blind and deformed, when they asked for removal measures, again ignored, she got custody again of her other four children, with whom she kept away, far away of your onlookers and relatives.
At trial, she claimed in her defence that he was violent, even though he was never testified or had evidence against him, but due to laws being more compassionate towards women, she was only sentenced to 4 years of open probation, where, she only served 1 year of freedom.
Still leaving with the custody of her daughter, her other relatives distanced herself from her, even though they knew what she could do with the child, even so, they did nothing, even with the other children no longer being seen, when they no longer had each other. news of what she might have done to them, the only child to show up was her own youngest daughter.