Definitely Something


I was all grins when everyone left the room. I felt like I was stuck in glue, or like the time’s frozen and my mind with it. Sir Jiego walked the investors to the elevator while I was the only one left inside the room.

The presentation slides were still on the last one, a thick and bold “THANK YOU. WE LOOK FORWARD TO WORK WITH YOU” displaying on the screen. I crashed down to one of the chairs and smiled to the slide as if it was an animate being capable of smiling back.

“I think we made it.” – I said, most to myself, but with my eyes stuck on the white screen with the slide

I had a quick recap of what happened inside my head. It was insane, really. I couldn’t remember me thinking about it too well. I just knew I had to do what I have to do. And I’m pretty sure it went well.

“that was amazing, Tina.”

A voice on the door stopped my mental trip down memory lane. I turned and saw Sir Jiego leaning on the door frame, both his hands crossed on his chest. A proud smile was on his face. I may have seen him give me those smiles before, but this one… this hits different. This is what a smile of pure joy looks like.

I stood up and gave a small bow.

“thank you, sir.”

“it was pretty impressive. I admit, for a moment there, I already accepted my defeat.”

He said, walking towards the table. Now both his hands were on his pockets. I, on the other hand, stepped back to give him more space. The same smile was plastered on his face. And I guess that will stay there for the rest of the day. When he was near enough, he reached something behind me…and I gulped.

It turned out to be a remote for the white screen.

He positioned it near the projector and turned it off. Now the room became slightly dim.

“how can I reward you? go on. just say something. I owe you a big one. “

“Sir, I was only doing my job. You don’t need to-“

“Tina, say something.”

There was something different by the way he said my name this time. A different inflection. An extra second for the second syllable. Ti-naaaaa.

I sniffed. My nose has caught his perfume again.

“sir, I really don’t see the need for any reward. I’m just happy for helping the company.”

I said and chuckled a fake one. Why is this awkward anyway? Where is everybody? This conversation may be very easy if it wasn’t just the two of us here. Also, something… something doesn’t feel right.

“okay… I’ll decide for you then. You’re coming with me this Friday. It’s only a work thing… but it’s held on a beach resort. Two days. You can treat it as a vacation. I was thinking of bringing Nora with me but… plans change.”

He said and picked up his laptop from the table. I was still processing the words he said. Did he mean that? He’s bringing me with him instead of Nora? Me? a fresh graduate and the newest face in the company? Was he that impressed with what I did?

I knew I won’t get the answers to those questions from him so instead, I only gave him a nod. A single nod, to be exact.

“good. You may want to bring your swimming gears.”

He said, with a little wink. After that, he walked out of the meeting hall only to stop at the door. There, he turned his head a little to the left, and said:

“are you coming with me back to the office or do you want to stay here to clean the table?”

“I don’t mind cleaning the table, sir.”

“you sure are funny. The staff would do that. Come on.”

That confused me… but then the “come on” part made me followed him to the door. We walked back to his office through the elevator and as soon as we got off the floor, a loud applause welcomed us. Or him, to be exact.

“congratulations, Mr. Sy.” – one man said and shook his hand

“congratulations on the deal, sir.” – another man

“we heard about what happened in the meeting sir. this calls for a celebration!” – a rather cheeky woman said.

I was also enjoying the praises and the congratulations behind him. Everyone seemed to share the same feeling about the meeting’s outcome. It’s contagious.

“of course, of course… how about some pizza and beer for everyone?!”


Everyone cheered upon hearing that, especially the men in the front. Sir Jiego turned to me, still with the same smile and mouthed a “thank you”. I stretched my lips as an acknowledgment. Happiness really looks good on people, and to contribute a little to that… it’s definitely something.

“do you mind making the call, Tina?” – he said and I nodded, walking to the office door and into my own space.

The cheers outside can still be heard and by now, it was Mr. Sy who has gotten everyone’s attention with a short speech. He thanked everyone for their effort, motivated them to strive for more success for the company and lastly, he mentioned my name, telling everyone that today’s success was because of me. It wasn’t hot or anything in the room, but I felt the heat rose up to my cheeks.

I dialed the number of the nearest pizza chain I know and ordered five boxers of varied flavors: Hungarian sausage, Hawaiian with extra pineapples as requested by Nora when she entered the room and saw what I was doing, Vegetarian pizza and the one with beef and seafoods. When I placed the order, Sir Jiego was already in the room.

“come on, let’s get some beers.”

I frowned.

“sir, isn’t that supposed to be done by your assistants? Let me do it, sir. Please stay in your room.”

“nonsense. I can do it. Come on.”

He placed his hand on the small of my back, guiding me towards the door. I froze a little. When did he and I agreed to break our touch barriers? That moment in the manor’s kitchen… I guess. But that was justified because we’re both taking a picture. This one… it’s clearly intentional. And I’m not objecting. What’s wrong with me?

I walked ahead when we reached the door and the people were still outside, waiting for the foods to come. I stopped by Nora and told her to take care of the pizza boxes once they arrive. Once we were in his car, I stopped by the door until he rolled down the window to the passenger’s seat.

“something wrong?”

I shook my head. He doesn’t even have a personal driver. What is this? He just goes everywhere he wants? He’s a billionaire, for crying out loud. Hasn’t that dawned on him yet? He may be putting his self into danger.

I knew I had no choice but to enter the car and give him what he wanted. I slid in the passenger’s seat as I noticed his eyes never left me. He slowly shook his head and the car roared into life.

“you intrigue me, Tina. You really do.”

He said. I didn’t know what those words meant.