

There were five presents right in front of Aqasha now and she needs to pick only one carefully for she do not want to regret it if she picks the wrong one. She then moved to her right and stood in front of the ugliest one.

"This one..." She pointed.

"Ah...." The little girl smiled. "That is one bizarre choice, Aqasha"

"What?" Aqasha puzzled.

"Very well, you may take it."

By that, the other presents vanished, left the ugliest one alone in front of her. The little girl walked closer with joy.

"Congratulation!" She said. "Do you want to open you present now?"

Aqasha was in shocked. "What? Wait! I didn't choose this one!"

"Oh!" She touches her chin. "Well, that's unfortunate. The first one you point is the one that is gonna be chosen. Maybe you didn't listen to me well."

Aqasha could not believe it herself that she was being tricked by a little girl.

"Can I choose again? I didn't know. I will choose wisely this time!" Aqasha tried to beg.

The little girl just shakes her head.

"Now..." She said. "Why don't you just open your present?"

Aqasha stared at the ugliest present she ever received in her entire life. Kinda wonders what kind of power she will get actually. With the unwillingness, she couldn't think much and just open the present.

A black smoke appeared shocking her which made her back off a few steps with a round eyes. The black smoke then rushed towards her body and vanished. It was dead silence at the moment as Aqasha was still trying to figure out what just happened. She blinked her eyes a few times and looked around for the black smoke but only to find the little girl and herself at that dark place. She couldn't believe that the black smoke did only that as she actually kinda expecting more to happen and would surprise her.

'That's it?' She thought.

"Hey!" Aqasha turned to the little girl. "That's it? It vanished into me and nothing happen?"

The little girl smiled and nodded, pissed her off. She felt nothing changed in her too, which made her confused with everything.

'Did that black smoke actually useless? Maybe that's why it was the ugliest.'

"Now Aqasha..." The little girl spoke. "Bear my words in mind. That power is you to command, which means only you can control it. Nobody other than you. Which also means if you cannot control it, it will destroy you and everything within."

Aqasha was surprised by that. It showed that she needs to get stronger than the power itself in order to keep it hers as long as it can be and Aqasha wants it to be hers forever.

"The power also gets stronger as you get stronger, so if you want your power to be strong, you need to be strong first."

As it was not enough bad news, this one was way out of it. If the power get stronger as she is, how the fuck can she manage to conquer the power!? Plus, she knows nothing about what kind of power she got, so she was twice unluck. More like triple.

"Good news is, you can communicate with it." The little girl smiled.

Aqasha flinched by the fact that she could COMMUNICATE with her power!?

"What? I could what? Communicate?"

Ignoring Aqasha, the little girl started waving her fragile pale hand along with a gentle smile to Aqasha. She added.

"And by that, I should wish you good luck. Bye!"

Couldn't even utter a single word, Aqasha fell into the dark, swallowed by the darkness, deep and deep and deep and.... deep... and........... deep.............


Aqasha reached out her hand to the air, trying to grab something that wasn't there anymore. Nothing.

"Aqasha, you awake!"

Aqasha heard a familiar voice. Who could that be? A family? Or a friend? She looked around her and found her mother besides her, panicked while her sister was at the door as if she was waiting for someone. Both looked anxious and she don't know why. Her sister came to her panickly while talking something to a doctor that just arrived. She had no idea what was going on. She was still mad actually, about how harsh that little girl had treated her. She frowned as she remembered the power that she just got from her.

"Oh my god! Doctor looks at her! She frowned! What happen to her, doctor?"

"Mom, it's just a frown. The doctor seems okay with it, means nothing serious. Stop panicking mom."

Aqasha looked at her mother. 'Yeah mom, I'm okay' but that couldn't leave her mouth. She kept trying to talk but it was really hard. She then started groaning while the doctor was busy checking on her made her mom even worried. For god's sake, her mom fell to the floor, unconscious...

The scene at the room right now is kinda awkward. Well, the patient was actually not at the bed and was sitting on the chair besides the bed while an older woman lay unconsciously and actually sound asleep on the bed. Although there were other patients at the room, it was dead silence which made the situation even more awkward. Just then, the older woman on the bed started moving and finally opened her eyes.

"Mom?" Aqasha asked.

"Ummph... Aqasha?" She rubbed her sore eyes.

Just then, Qairah walked in with drinks and fruits. She puts it on the desk near the bed. Aqasha stood up and grabbed an apple and bite it.

"Go check her." She said.

Qairah just nodded and obey. She asked her mother about her feeling and told her what happen.

"Where is she now? Is she okay?" She asked Qairah.

"I'm okay mom." Aqasha answered.

She then ate the whole apple and drank the whole coffee and started walking out of the room.

"Where are you going?" Qairah asked. "Mom's still sick you know."

"I know." She replied. Short.

Aqasha then left the room leaving her sick mom and confused sister behind.

It was in the evening when Aqasha got back to the room. Her mother was sitting on the side of the bed, sipping coffee while her sister was sitting on the chair, crossing her arms with a serious face. When she saw Aqasha, she rushed to her and hold both her arms.

"Where were you?" She asked. "We-"

"I got discharged." Aqasha interrupt.

As she said what she said, she changed her clothes, packed her stuff and walked to the door. Both her mother and sister got confused by Aqasha's sudden change. The fact that she completely ignored her own mother upsets Qairah. She was a good kid, but after the incident, she changed. She felt guilty because she was the reason it all happens, but she doesn't deserve to be treated like this. So do their mother.

"Don't you wanna go home?" Aqasha asked.

Qairah got angry and wanted to scold Aqasha but her mother holds her hands, shaking her head, made her stops. She then looked at her precious Aqasha and gave a warm smile.

"Let's go home."