

The girl was taken by a female police officer. Sirens all over the place are making Aqasha dizzy along with the blinding lights. She was standing alone while other officers busy with the boy and stopping the media to get in any further to the crime scene when a male police officer came.


Aqasha turned to him only to face a shocking face of a man that couldn't believe his own eyes of meeting somebody he wanted to meet so bad. He was trembling when he wanted to reach Aqasha's face when Aqasha stopped him.

"What are you doing?"

Aqasha's question stopped him from going any further. He took down his hand and stopped trembling before smiling and looking down to the earth.

"I never thought we could meet, again." He spoke.

"Yeah." She strokes the back of her head and look away. "Same here."


"Look. Don't talk to me about the case. I hope you already forgot about it."


He didn't know what to say. He was actually wanted to talk about the case but she, herself don't want to talk about it. How can he help her if she doesn't want to be help. She was about to walk away when he opens his mouth.

"I actually want to talk about it."

Aqasha stopped.

"I really want to help you." He continued. "I can help you with money too. Just let me help you. Do you really want to let that guy walk free after what he did to you?"

Aqasha stood silent. He walks in front of her before continued.

"I can help you. Trust me. If he wants to kill you again, do you think you can get away like before? I can't get it out of my head after knowing that you closed the case. They must've bribe you right?" He looked her in the eyes.

"Are you done?" Aqasha looked back.

"What's gotten into you? You really want to die huh?"

"And you really know nothing huh?"


'Shit. Now he wants to know more.'

"Nothing. Ignore it. I want to go to the police station. They said that I need to be the witness, so they want to ask some questions. If you don't mind, I'd like to end our 'case' now." She walks away.

"Wait! I can drive you there."

The atmosphere in the car was surprisingly warm. He talks a lot and a cheer guy. He started talking after he started the engine and nonstop since. He talked about lots of thing from his family to his friends, exes, and even his current life. He even made jokes sometimes. Suddenly, they became best friends.

"So, any question?" He asked.

"Why?" She asked.

"Well, in case you don't understand anything..."

"No, that's the question. Why? Why are you telling me all about you. We're not friends."

"Oh, hahahah it's just a habit. You know, I'm actually a social butterfly."

"I'm not"

"Hahaha good joke, good joke."


"Oh, it's not a joke."


"Err..." He cleared his throats before continuing. "So umm, no other question.?"

"Are we friends?"

"Hurm... Yeah. We are."

"Then I won't call you with a mister or sir. Just your name. Is that okay?"

"Yeah sure." He cleared his throat again. "Then, nice to meet you Aqasha." He smiled.

"Nice to meet you too, Aiman."

"Please smile."



"Shila! Are you alright? What happen? Tell me everything." An old man arrived at the interrogation room.

"I was walking at the national park when a guy asked for help. He said his friend was injured and can't walk. He asked me to help carry his friend because his friend is a girl, so I followed him under the bridge. Then, he started.... He started striping me and when I push him, he captured me and...and..." Shila started sobbing.

"I will get you some water." A female police officer walked out the room.

"And then what happen?" He asked.

"Then, she came. She came just like we plan. Hahahah I couldn't believe it but she looked naive."

Shila sat back straight and crossed her leg while crossing her arms. The innocent looks on her face was gone. Her father who was sitting in front of her had a serious face while looking at her without blinking.

"Did she use it?" He asked.

"Unfortunately, no papa. She got skills. She not a master tho but she can manage with close combat. She seems.... careful. She don't want to use it for something small."

"Hurmmm... Invite her."

"Really papa? We still know nothing about her power."

"That's why she should be one of us. The fact that she has a power can't be argued. What kind of power doesn't matter. What matters is quantity."

"Understood papa."

The female officer came and gave her a drink. They were talking about Shila's side of story when her papa asked to meet her savior. The female officer brought him to another officer to take him to meet her in another room.

"Good evening, Aqasha. I heard you save my lil angel."

He came in and walked in front of her. It was just the two of them as he asked to meet her alone. Aiman on the other hand, was about to join Aqasha to keep her company when he was told to not enter the interrogation room, so he entered the other room.

"Good evening sir," Aqasha stood up. "It was just luck." They shook hands.

"Is that so?" He sats in front of her and placed his hands on the table, forming a triangle shape where he placed his chin.

"Yes, it is." She sat back.

"How much."

He took out a check book from his suit and a black pen. He started scramble something on the paper made Aqasha confused. 'How much of what? Money?' Aqasha stayed silent which made the old man stopped and looked her. He raised his right eyebrow as if he was asking her for an explanation and as if she understood, she spoke.

"It's not for money, sir. I was there and did what other people would. Nothing more, nothing less."

"Is that so?" He puts down the black pen.

"It is, sir." Aqasha stayed still.

"Tell me, what are you doing back there, on the bridge?"

Aqasha was shocked by the question but then she took a deep breath before started.

"I was recalling."

"Recalling what?"

"Something personal."

"And what is that?"

"Do I need to tell you, sir?"

"Yes, you need to tell me so that I will let you go."


He stared her without blinking as Aqasha was confused. He then stood up and went near her. Aqasha back off a little and was about to stand up when the old man puts his hands on the chair, preventing her to escape.

"What is your secret?" his face got closer. "Do you have any power? If you do, what kind of power? Is it powerful? Can you take over the world with that power?"

Aqasha pulled her face off and pushing the old man when suddenly a voice appeared.

"Excuse me sir, no touching the witness please."

The old man stopped and retreat while Aqasha looked at the mirror where the voice came from. She smirked a little. She then turned to the old man who was returning to the door. He stopped and looked back to Aqasha.

"We'll meet again."

He said that and walked out. Aqasha sat back to the chair and later, Aiman entered the room.

"Hey." He said, bringing snacks and coke.

"Hey, thanks for earlier." She grabbed the coke.

"It's no big deal, but how did you know it was me" He sat in front of her.

"Your voice, smartass." She drank the coke.

"Really, I thought you wouldn't recognize it." He gave the snacks to her.

"The microphone is to make your voice louder, not changing it." She took the snacks and ate.

"Well, okay then. By the way, what did they asked you?"

"Nothing serious. Just my point of view of the crime."

"And the man?"

"The father of the girl I saved."

"Do you know why he did that earlier?"


"Well, once you get out of here, want to grab a bite?"

"I have stuff to do."

"What stuff."

"Girl stuff."

"Ouh, I see. You in that month huh?"


"Then what?"



"I masturbate."


Aiman looked at her without blinking. 'Masturbate? Really? I mean she is a girl after all. Eh, what am I even thinking?' He shook his head slowly while closing hir eyes tight. Aqasha saw it and smirked a little.


Aiman stopped and opened his eyes.


A police officer came and told her to go. She thought that she was supposed to sign something as she was about to be a witness, but nothing. She was told to go home. She saw the girl she rescued by a glance and she was doing fine. It was as if all those things that happened before was an act, but for what? Was she interrupting something? Did she ruined something, because if she thinks that they did all that just to get her attention, that would be very wrong. There was no way that they knew she got awaken, and that old man seems familiar but she couldn't remember. For now, it's the best way to stay low.

"Down or up?"


Aqasha was in the elevator. She was with a stranger. Aiman was nowhere to be seen. The man asked her again, impatiently.

"Down or up? Please hurry."

"Oh... Umm..." She walked out. "I should wait for my friend first."

"Tch. Brat."

The man pushes a button and disappears in the elevator's stomach. Aqasha looked around for Aiman but only to a disappointment. She took out her phone but then remembered that she never took his phone number. She puts it back and leaned back against the wall while putting her hoodie back on.

"You shouldn't do that in here you know."

A beautiful lady around early 30s greeted her. She wore a full uniform of the police department and walked towards Aqasha.