

Aqasha looked at her and was stunned by her looks. She was a tall woman with fair skin, blonde hair and blue eyes. She got freckles around her tall nose. Her thin lips were as red as the cherry. Simply said, she is beautiful. She walked pass by her while glaring as Aqasha had commit a serious crime. The woman stopped and was going to talk when Shila showed up.

"Aqasha!" She shouted. "There you are. I was looking for you all over the place. Where were you."

She looked at Aqasha without even bothered about another woman near Aqasha. She took Aqasha in her arm and grabbed her out of the woman's reach. The woman can only watch.

"Hey, hey, hey," Aqasha tried to get away. "What are you doing? I wanna go home. Let me go."

They stopped. Shila turned to Aqasha and smiled. Then, she giggled. Aqasha back off a little bit.

"I want to treat you to a meal. As you know, my gratitude for saving my life, or should I say my virginity. Hahahahaha!" She laughs out loud.

"Erm thanks, but no thanks. I just wanna go home now."

Aqasha was already walking when Shila hugged her from behind and whining. She started causing a scene. A lot of police officers started looking at them. Aqasha quickly grabbed Shila's hand and brought her outside.

"Hey! I save your life and this is what I get? A simple thanks is enough." Aqasha was struggling to get away from Shila's grasp.

Shila let Aqasha go, made her collapsed. Shila stood straight and started sulking. She crossed her arms and turned her back from Aqasha, then pouted cutely. Aqasha saw the opportunity to run away. She quickly got up and walked fast and silently tip toeing and eventually ran. Shila felt something wrong and when she looked back, Aqasha was in front the elevator, pushing the button like a mad girl. Shila chased her and Aqasha became panicked and pushed the button even faster it started smoking. Shila became closer and the elevator still closed! Closer! Closer! Closer!


The elevator opened and Aqasha rushing in. She pushed the close button and the elevator almost close when a hand stopped it. Aqasha was jolted that she bumped the wall of the elevator.

"You want to run away from me?!"

An angry tone came from an angry cute girl.

Shila went in the elevator with a killer aura making Aqasha shivering and getting goosebumps. It was as if a death angel was in front of her, wanting to take her soul. White smoke came from the mouth that wanting to bite her neck. Before that happen, Aqasha needs to calm her down.

"How about you take me to your favorite restaurant? Let me have a taste of your favorite food. Hehehe"

At this point, Aqasha was at the floor of the elevator while Shila was getting closer to eat her up.


Hearing that question making Aqasha gave up in life. She pulled up a white flag.



Aqasha opened her eyes wide. In front of her now was no death angel but a cute girl with a cute smile. Shila then pulled Aqasha up straight, tidy her clothes and acted as if all that killer-aura-moment never happen and finally smilling while Aqasha was out of word and in gape. She couldn't believe herself that she would meet a very selfish-arrogantly cute and on top of all that very annoying girl in her entire life, but she never wanted to face the killer aura anymore so nothing can be done unless give in to her... For now.

"So..." Aqasha began. "We going eat?"

Aqasha glanced to her left a little to see Shila who was strangely smiling and giggling. She then suddenly turned to Aqasha while still smilling widely with her eyes closed, scared the crap out of Aqasha who was already terrified. Shila nodded while started humming a weird sound that Aqasha doubted was existed. The elevator stopped and the door opened. Shila grabbed Aqasha's hand and started running, making Aqasha almost tripped a few times. They arrived at the parking lot and stopped in front a dark red Lamborghini. Aqasha was in deep shook. The crazy girl was actually a crazy rich kid! Seeing the car made her thinking that this girl might be a spoiled brat and will do anything and everything to fulfill her wish, which means including killing people! Aqsha was swallowed by her cold sweat, thinking of a way to escape from the crazy kid before things get worst.

"Aren't you coming?"

Shila's question woke her up from her panicked overthinking. Aqasha then clear her throat a bit before open the door and sat beside Shila who was ready to drive.

"I will treat you whole tonight, so don't worry about a thing." She smiled.

"Yeah, I won't" Aqasha fake a smile.

"Ok! I'm done with my....."

He looked at the empty spot in front of the elevator that was supposed to be filling a girl.

"...work." He looked around. "Hummm...."

"Oh! One more thing~" Shila took out a cellphone from her dress pocket. "I turned it off and I'll keep it for the night."

Aqasha had no idea when was her phone got into the hand of a crazy rich and crazy kid like her. What worse was that she turned it off which means Aiman couldn't contact her. What happened was a total downpour for Aqasha. She had never been controlled like this all her life. Even her mother gave the permission for her to keep a phone and playing games despite not allowing her to go out from the house. She sighed and just gave up. She sat back and just threw her mind out from everything. She looked to the window and stayed silent. It's no use in fighting this crazy kid or her parents. They're all the same. Now her heart throbbed. Shila continued smiling, putting back Aqasha's phone and drove straight to her favorite restaurant.

Aiman was in his car, still trying to contact Aqasha who was suddenly disappeared with no trace left behind. He then gave a big sigh and started the engine. He calls another person and was hopping that this one would pick up.


"Hello. Urm... Is this Qairah?"

He was super nervous and felt kinda stupid for making a phone call over some small matter. Who knows, maybe Aqasha went to the toilet, or went for a walk or even was at the lobby and he didn't notice! Urgh it was too late for all that. He already called and Qairah already answered. Now is not the time for all that, but to ask what needs to be ask.

"Yes, this is Qairah. Who is this?"

Qairah was unsure who was calling, but the voice sounds familiar. She wanted to recall but she was doing her homework. It was night and she needs to be sleeping after that. She got no time for unnecessary stuff.

Ermm... Is Aqasha there with you?

The odd question came from an unfamiliar man who have a hoarse yet gentle voice that literally could melt any girl that heard it. Qairah was stunned for a while and looked at the screen of her phone. No name. Only number. Not a private number, but also wasn't someone she knew. Being is a long pause, the caller proceeds.

If she isn't there, then that's ok.

"Err... Who is this?"

Couldn't wait any longer, Qairah asked the question that have been lingering in her head since she received the call. Who is this guy? How did he know about Aqasha? How did he get her number? How did he know that they know each other? How and how and many more how...

"Oh. I was the police officer from before. My name is Aiman. I was just wondering, maybe Aqasha is with you?"

Qairah slapped her forehead hard. How can she forget the voice of the officer that caused a scene in front of the police station and made everyone there staring at them like they were criminals? She giggled a little which made the caller from the other side confused.

"Erm... Hello?"

Aiman confused as he heard a giggle from the other side. Was he not dreaming? Was that really a giggle? If it was, why should she giggle? What is to giggle about? Aiman was deep in his thought when suddenly a voice took him back to reality.

"She is not with me. She's out there, somewhere. Why? You still want to persuade her to reopen the case?"

Somewhere? So she doesn't know where her little sister is? Does she even care for her sister? Aiman quickly shake his head to throw all the bad thoughts from his head. He cannot make a conclusion that easily, that quickly. One thing for sure, Qairah didn't know that he made friend with Aqasha. Well, that was what he thought. At least.

"Well then, thank you for telling me. Goodbye."

Aiman was about to hang up the phone call when he heard Qairah stopped him.



Aiman was wondering the reason why she stopped him. Maybe she wants to know why he was asking her about Aqasha.

"Why did you ask about Aqasha?"

Aiman smirked. He never felt so clever in his entire life.

"Is something happened to her? I mean something bad?"

Qairah started to have cold sweat. What if something bad really happen? The last time she met Aqasha, they were arguing. Only God knows how bad Qairah felt that time. How guilty she felt towards all the harsh words she said to Aqasha. Harsh words that Aqasha never deserve to hear.