39: Conversation; a muted exchange

Of all the things Lin FenXiang had thought the man would be, he never, never thought that Yan Hansheng — the Yan Hansheng — who was so revered in the classical music industry all over the world would be a mute.

A man who devoted his life to music was the very man who couldn't speak.

Lin FenXiang was no one to judge him, everyone had their struggles and everyone had a strength unique to them.

Coming from an era where anything less than normal was heavily scorned, Lin FenXiang — Drystan — empathised with the struggles of these special people.

Back in his era, he could barely imagine the struggles these people — deaf, mute or both — faced.

As of now, in this new era everything was easier. Deaf and/or mute people could communicate through various means be it sign language or the phone.

They could.

But back in his days, the people who learnt sign language to facilitate communication between these specially abled people were far and few.