42: Meeting; cat is out of the bag

Beta'd by SnowyEgrett

Martin had seen a lot of things during his life. He had lived in poverty, he'd experienced true generosity. And later in life, he now has a friendship he cherished with all his being.

Truth be told, if Drystan ever so much as asked, Martin Huxley would serve his best friend his own life on a silver platter, no questions asked.

As he watched his best friend's back as the other artist led him through the restaurant and towards the private room, he glanced at their clasped hands.

Drystan's hands had always been larger than his own, colder than his own, more slender and somewhat more calloused.

He was elegant, he was graceful and eccentric in every way and Martin felt strong admiration and love for his best friend.

For him, Martin wouldn't exchange him for the world. Yes, Drystan had flaws, incorrigible mannerism and some downright scary notions, but those were what made the Marquess unique, it made him who he was.