49: Auction; things he should've known

At the end of the walk Lin FenXiang and Yan Hansheng added each other on WeChat and walked back home side by side.

The next day, Lin FenXiang woke up and the first thing that came to his mind was that he wanted to go shopping for art supplies.

(Forcibly) Taking a half day off, the artist drove to the best art store near him and started his quest of shopping.

Armed with money and in disguise, Lin FenXiang examined the paints and brushes while also looking around for canvas busily.

“How may I help you, sir?“ The store assistant approached him and asked. Lin FenXiang looked at him then at the package of paints in his hand and mumbled.

“I got these paints and brushes, can you help me get the canvas over there and could you please grab a five hundred ml of Winsor and Newton Damar varnish while you are at it?“ Lin FenXiang politely said and walked off to pick up the oil paints he had seen somewhere on the racks.