80: Moment Of Solitary Silence

Beta'd by SnowyEgrett

The night — it was actually morning but it didn't really matter — had passed by. After conversing some more, Lin FenXiang considerately wanted to leave. But Yan Hansheng insisted that he stay, saying that he might not be able to hire a taxi at this time.

Lin FenXiang felt that his words were logical so somewhat awkwardly, the artist asked the master musician if he could stay.

Yan Hansheng, of course, expressed his approval. That no, he didn't mind Lin FenXiang staying for the night, being the one to suggest it in the first place.

So, yes, despite everything, Lin FenXiang ended up staying at the musician's flat to catch up on some hours of sleep.

He didn't really sleep peacefully, plagued by the dreams of his ruined painting and the restless whispers of his past.

As the dark sky lightened, nearing daybreak, Lin FenXiang found himself jolting awake from a fitful and futile attempt to sleep.