102: Supposed To Be

Beta'd by SnowyEgrett

Releasing a silent sigh of relief, Lin FenXiang pulled away from the embrace and whispered in a gentle tone.

“Tired?“ Yan Hansheng tilted his head slightly, and if he did notice what happened just a few moments prior, he declined to comment while shaking his head.

“Not really,” he signed slowly, taking a step back. Then with a smile, he added. “You, on the other hand, look like you could catch a break.“

Lin FenXiang looked at the musician for a second longer, then dipping his head a little, he suppressed a short laugh and shook his head.

“You aren't wrong,” he agreed, nonchalantly. “I am a bit overworked right now.“

Though their friendship wasn't that long, Yan Hansheng seemed to be well acquainted with the painter's tendency to avoid overworking at all cost.