115: Core Memory; his worries were unfounded, after all

[Bonus chapter 1]

Beta'd by SnowyEgrett

In front of his eyes, Yan Hansheng saw Lin FenXiang turn pale. Almost as if he had seen a ghost, or... was being tormented by a memory.

The painter grabbed his head, muttering something under his breath as he breathed heavily, hunching forward as he gritted his teeth and screwed his eyes shut.

Those three words, spoken by Yan Hansheng, had unknowingly triggered an adverse reaction in his mind. The sentence alone invoked a terrible memory involving Adrastus.

It made Lin FenXiang want to curl up to himself and cry his heart out.

Seeing all this, the musician with endless worry plaguing his mind, jumped out of the bed and rushed to the painter's side.

Without giving himself a chance to second guess his actions, Yan Hansheng held onto Lin FenXiang's shoulder, squinting his eyes as he reached out and put a hand against his cheek.