162: Trickery; deceitful action to escape and entrap

“You cannot kill me,” Lin FenXiang decided to answer, thrashing under the spirit's crushing hold as he tried to stand up. “Not yet, not when the barrier is still nigh impossible to pass through.“

Its grasp around his wrist felt like iron pliers had been fixed on his hand, the bones — as though brittle — of his wrist creaked at the force of its hold.

At his antagonising words, its crimson eyes turned darker as the hand around his wrist and in his hair tightened, threatening to tear his hair from its roots.

No matter how determined Lin FenXiang was to not let it witness his pain and relish in it, it was nigh impossible for it to stop the agonised wince that left his lips, involuntarily.

“Quiet the brave words,” it cooed, eyes narrowing. “For a man so helplessly writhing in my hands.“

Lin FenXiang's eyes snapped open, and with ferocity, he glared at the spirit, tears filling his gaze.