Ernest Bayles , a member of the Leakey Blinders Corps, and after nearly a decade of financial and social dominance, as well as gaining strong political influence, in which his power and fame attracted the attention of Sir Charles Haughton Rafter, Irish police chief, hired to do comply with local law, and in Birmingham, it was where he secretly roamed the streets.

They were well disguised, insofar as through a strong police chase and the carrying out of several seizures of stolen goods and arrests, despite the fact that bribes were made , even with the high and low echelons of the police force by the leaders of the group, the of the gang has dwindled over the years, actually disguising himself better, and being more discreet.

In early July 2022, a larger gang called the Birmingham Boys, with many members hailing from another defunct group known as the Brummagem Boys, in which various alliances with other gangs such as the Elephant Mob , Camden Town Gang, or the Jewish gang, and the call of the Bessarabian Tigers, in which those in the East End of London, and emerged.

When all of them were needed in their schemes and their plans, even if before they were just a small group of delinquents without borders, where they would die alone, and would be remembered only for idiocy, where they would be remembered for violence and crimes, from that moment on, they they would be organized and would have a purpose beyond simple violence.

With that, in which they were led by William Billy Kimber , the galloping expansion of this gang in the surrounding circuits and districts, it was very affirmative that it would be used in other environments, in which Birmingham generated violent confrontations.

So they were among the first rival gangs and turf fights with the Leakey Blinders Corps, and before long that drove the Blinder families away from downtown, where he was heading to the countryside, where they would be safe and could try. regain its power in hiding.

However, with the Blinders ' brief withdrawal , the way was clear for another fight for control of the underworld gangs, in which it was from the criminal underworld, and taking advantage of the Birmingham Boys' distraction, in which there was another gang, run by Mafia families. Liatirusna , extended its influence within each of the Liatirusna families , and with it spread to other Mafia families.

In which these families that expanded their influence and that sprang up around, and living in London, the Sabini gang , seized the moment and attacked the remaining organized crime families in Birmingham, it was with this dissolving them and solidifying their control. policy over central England in the 1930s.

They became one of the most influential and powerful gangs of the first half of the 20th century, and it was quite interesting as the organized crime group known as the Leakey Blinders Corps declined in power in the following months, with riots and protests, in which it effectively died out. .

In what his name came to be used as a generic term to describe violent youth groups to this day, and he can use this, such as the events sector, and the growing number of criminals and gangs he has come into contact with. with various criminals, with the old restaurant scheme used in their meetings, in which the rumor spread that these men had knowledge of the whereabouts of money, a fortune or hidden wealth.

For being of Mafia origin, that priest exiled in the period that Hoffman lived, in which this, of course, spread to the underworld, not only that money, but also an amount that they embezzled from various mafia groups in investigations, which they did not reveal, one by one..

When they were threatened, they were gathered in that restaurant, before the negotiator left, when he promised, in what if they didn't tell, they would be protected, because if they didn't talk, they would have an ace up their sleeve and they wouldn't kill them , in which they kept with their mediator the secret of the location of the mafia's wealth.

Schultz was shot on January 23, 2022, however, where he was at the Palace Chopp House restaurant at 12th Street and East Park Street, and on those streets in Newark, New Jersey with Otto Berma, where the bakery and brewery negotiations took place.

Being that it was where there were countless but, not only its accountant, and many employees, and it was where were the restaurants and bakeries, that it had in its possession, in which they broke in and began to strafe and without any warning, in which its numerous workers that frequented that environment, in which that place was frequented during the entrances of the back doors and side doors through various criminals.

Being that it was Abe Landau, his new chief lieutenant; and his personal bodyguard, Bernard Lulu Rosenkrantz , in which his allies killed their enemies, as they started fast everything ended in the same instant, shots through the street destroying glass and plates, machine guns, it was then, shooting with their revolvers that appeared pockets they never seen, and people running through the streets.

About this.

In which Schultz ran towards the bathroom to save himself, being shot along the way and shooting back, and when he was in the bathroom, two rival Murder , Inc. -called Charles "The Bug" Work - Man Horseman and Emanuel " Mendy " Weiss, and entered the establishment.

Worker and Weiss entered the back room of the restaurant where they shot multiple times at Schultz gang members as well as non-gang people who were there for lunch, and there were several secret passageways leading to other shops and other streets.

Berman passed out shortly after being shot, and a gunfight that had severed Landau's carotid artery was slashed by a bullet, in which it passed through the neck, while Rosenkrantz was repeatedly shot at point-blank range while holding his agents. keep an eye out for gunfire, then when he was covering his escape, and in the midst of more gunfire.

However, despite their injuries, both gangsters rose to their feet and retaliated, driving the killers out of the restaurant, in which Weiss jumped into the getaway car and ordered the driver to abandon the worker, while Landau kicked Work - Man Horseman out of the bar. and emptied his pistol at him, though he failed on the first attempt.

After Worker fled on foot, Landau finally fell into a nearby garbage can, in which each could easily kill the other.

When the cops tried their best to collect witness statements that say Schultz staggered out of the bathroom, clutching his right side, and sat at his desk as if he were a dying man at a last banquet.

He called whoever heard him to call an ambulance, and there weren't many of them, as they all either hid or died in the crossfire or simply ran in fear with their tails between their legs, which in turn, there weren't many left.

So, after all, who would want to be around machine guns and stray bullets?

Rosenkrantz stood up and demanded that the bartender, who was hiding during the shooting, and it was a big trap they had orchestrated, give him some change. Rosenkrantz called an ambulance before losing consciousness.

When the first ambulance arrived, minutes after the officers arrived slowly, and the doctors determined that Landau and Rosenkrantz , who were the most seriously injured and needed to be taken immediately to Newark City Hospital, there were screams and wails everywhere, there were those who actually said he promised money to the pope.

A second ambulance was called to take Schultz and Berman, in which Berman was unconscious, but Schultz was drifting in and out of lucidity as the police tried to comfort him and get information.