However, nothing, nothing really was done without the direct order of Lepke , Meyer or some capo, with the group doing at least 50 jobs during the 1930s, with each success adding to the feeling that the band was unattainable as far as in which this was a mistake, the more famous the actions of Lepke , Schultz and company became, the greater was the ambition to disband the group in the city courts, and W played a double game, knowledge of accuracy was uncommon among some members. .

Thus, all it took was a young prosecutor, with political ambitions and a determination to work, for the pores of organized crime to begin to close, he accused for knowledge.

Then-prosecutor Tom Dewey, with whom he had contact, could more than say whether he was right or not, and who would later lose a presidential election to Franklin Roosevelt.

When he took the place of the scepter, and assumed as the greatest enemy of the mafia, having as his first target, well, Mr. W, as always had contact with Lucky Luciano as the seer, and this made him known as the mischief master of the underworld, who in exchange for the greatest riches of the mafia, and this prevented Luciano's arrest several times, until according to his prediction , he was arrested and deported to Italy, where he was soon accused of exploiting prostitution.

Justice 1 x 0 Mafia , and there were rumors and accusations and the exploits of informants, where Dewey then went after Dutch Schultz, he had that moment of right and wrong.

This time, it didn't have the same result, as the criminal took the case to the small town of Malone, moved there a few months before the trial, became friends with everyone, where he donated fortunes to charity and converted to the Catholicism, and that was a strategy he was advised to take.

He was eventually acquitted by a popular jury. 1 x 1 on the scoreboard, in which Schultz, however, would not last long as far as he could see, at that moment he was being manipulated, he had no one to interfere.

Furious with Dewey, he asked for the death of the Mafia leadership prosecutor, and returned to spread the news, and led to several rumors, with the request denied, he left swearing that he would take justice into his own hands.

At the same time, the thugs signed their death warrant, which was carried out by Murders Inc., even converted, Schultz was still a Jewish problem, and that wouldn't change a thing, he was born a Jew, he died a Jew.

Lepke 's turn came , he advised, before this priest he exiled an exorbitant amount of money from kickbacks and bribes, and who decided to live underground because of Dewey's upcoming marking.

He was in hiding for three years, in one of the bloodiest periods for the New York Mafia.

In Stalinist fury, Lepke ordered Murders Inc. eliminate any opponents who might give information to Justice, and had contact with a man called Coach.

Unable to bear the secrecy, his money called safe haven disappeared along with his blackmail scheme, there was a place he kept secret where all the blackmail was kept, and that he got his secret partner to betray him, however, the Mafioso decided to surrender, in which he was an exiled priest to the death penalty, with no other way out.

Without Lepke 's protection , Reles, Strauss and their assassins were easy prey.

One by one, they were arrested and seduced by W who traded with them, who convinced them to make a deal with him, and who convinced them to make a deal, in which in exchange for Mafia secrets for him and in exchange for others. secrets they kept and, by proposals in agreement with the accusation, they delivered a certain portion, being that whoever betrayed the companions would be free of the priest. exile.

Reles decided to talk and kept only the main thing with W., when giving testimony, he became the highest official of a mafia organization to collaborate with the police until then.

He took the entire group of friends to the electric chair, but died during the trial of the companions by falling out of a window in an episode until now poorly explained, when Murders Inc., went to the grave, at least the part where they were. legally, what really happened was an elaborate negotiation plan, in which they became secret and were contacted only in negotiations, in which they left no heirs.

The Terra Dourada de Vera Cruzis became one of the countries with a strong presence of the so-called Russian mafia, especially in drug trafficking, with the denunciation made, in a recent inter-American seminar held in Costa Rica, by someone who, as a professional duty, has the obligation to be well informed about drug trafficking, which after all was his business, in which General Rosso Joseilton Serraninho , head of the National Police of Colombia (the world's largest producer of cocaine).

Intelligence research has detected a strong presence of the Russian mafia throughout the American continent, but especially in the Caribbean, Florida (USA), Colombia and the Golden Land of Vera Cruzis , he denounced, with the Russian mafia emerging in the wake of the dismantling of communism in the former Union. Soviet., where it infiltrated all sorts of businesses, legal and illegal, there was a whole market for that kind of business.

Its action throughout Europe had already been denounced for some time, but it is the first time that an authority detects and a strong presence of it also in the Americas, he realized that he could change something, with the information from the Colombian general combined with the balance sheet. that the United States Department of State has done, albeit recently, on narcotics control in Latin America, available on the Internet at www.state.gov.

Thus, the Terra Dourada de Vera Cruzis continues to be a major transit country for illicit drugs shipped to the United States of Northern and Europe”, begins the report, referring to 2017.

More: "Vera Cruziseiras ' strict Terra Dourada laws on bank secrecy and its highly developed financial network make the country fertile ground for money laundering activities."

The US document focuses its analysis on the Amazon region, transformed into an air bridge used by drug traffickers' planes, in which it also says that an extensive Amazon river transport network takes drugs to Atlantic ports for foreign shipments, where the river flows.

Even so, according to the report, it is also used to transport chemicals, many of them made in the Terra Dourada de Vera Cruzis , to upstream narcotics processing laboratories, where mainly in Colombia, and he followed this manufacturing process, at least he you knew. how it was done.

The document regrets that the Federal Police Terra Dourada de Vera Cruziseira continues to have few human and financial resources, despite the increase in drug trafficking activity and the large area that the police must cover to curb this activity, it has not had much effect, in which, According to a US report, the amount of cocaine seized by the Federal Police increased very little, from 96 to 97.

It went from 3.1 tons to 3.7 tons last year, and year after year it was increasing, every five or seven years, as a result of the increase in trafficker activity, the US government insists with its continent, in which everything to internationalize the fight against drug trafficking and the money laundering resulting from these operations.

In the seminar in Costa Rica in which General Serranino and who denounced the presence of the Russian mafia, in which also in Terra Dourada de Vera Cruzis , three Latin American countries in Costa Rica, with Colombia and Peru, agreed to make it more flexible, as weapon in the war against drug trafficking.

They are willing to open their borders to international cooperation, and would be negotiating with some international businessmen and negotiators who were partners in the national congress of senates, which in practice means allowing a greater presence of US organizations to fight drug trafficking.