It is believed that they are after economic, military and political secrets from the US, Great Britain and the countries of the European Community , in which it was not a lie, but it was money that was very well hidden, and they were from mobsters, when James Bond remained in the past, because we have all women partners with them, and operating in their place, when the case that took place in England confirms this, in addition to official diplomatic relations.

As there are hidden and not always explicit interests and information in relations between countries, in which he kept them to himself, more than half of the information is his, that's where the intelligence services come in, and he himself was the intelligence itself.

Espionage is a popular term for a larger field called intelligence gathering, and the internet is the largest open field of espionage in the world, knowing everyone's entire life, just by going to a Social media Book of Sonome page, and the lack is proof. , which can range from the mere research of information in publications to the most secret and illegal activities of physical or electronic invasion of private facilities in other countries for military, technological, scientific, political or business purposes, it was with that, there was everything to a wave of unprotected people.

The goal is always to get as much information as possible about other countries, specific targets and whether they are friends or enemies, so that you are in a better position to influence their behavior in the future.

However, sports car getaways, disguises, fancy guns, speedboat chases and seductive women are a thing of the past or movie, unless he used it himself, not all men are tough, he even used women to hunt men.

As the world has gone digital, spies have changed too, with the spotlight shifting from the agent working in the field to the data analyst working in-house and remotely, and he can use that to his advantage.

The 21st century spy is more of a hacker geek than James Bond or Ethan Hunt, being a guy who spends a lot of time sitting pale white in the dark, hacking into networks and bank accounts, pimples and freckles, where he keeps stealing passwords. snooping through documents and emails, guiding drones or creating viruses.

Many are ex-hackers who committed cyber crimes and are now hired by intelligence agencies, unlike the Cold War times, when espionage had more ideological objectives, the focus today is more economic, it was with technology that the activity could be done. securely, at any distance and anonymously.

Which is how he had contact before, in traps, that he set up to operate and set a trap with teenage hackers who think they won't get caught, so they trick them into hacking mobster money, and they were tracked down by an experienced hacker it was then , where they would visit these guys' homes to have a word and propose a limited-time deal until they paid off their debts.

With six months to go before the end of the year, Tsukino Miki Hikaru had a plan, what he thought to disrupt the mafia's power, would be the same as what they did with the president of Argentina, Alberto Fernández, he has an extensive list of problems that he needs to solve to try to end a political crisis and economy, which paralyzes the country and the rest of the world.

He needed to take advantage of this situation in a distraction where he either stopped or monitored and interfered with the support of the criminals, they needed support, in addition to investment, allies and funds, in addition to fear, there was something that was far beyond fear.

Money if Tsukino Miki Hikaru could offer the solution to the problems these corrupt politicians have gotten themselves into with the mobsters, he could force each of them into a natural human process.

Without support, without money, without resources, they would not have support, the biggest investors and supporters of some corrupt politicians who encouraged and left the way and the ease was the public machine, called...


If Tsukino Miki Hikaru manipulated the economy, in a hurry to intervene and approach and divert resources, not even the fear of being killed would overcome any adversity, no money, no funding...

Politicians would not be so flexible, he would have to manipulate the schemes.

No pun intended, what would be an impossible mission, if it became quite possible, would be pretty easy, he would take all the savings of the mobsters and criminals as his villains when they were boarded and ambushed and their money disappeared.

What Argentines have seen is a dismantling in the government, in addition to any mafia when there would be shortages and even risks in ambushes and lack of money, in which the last and so far – to give up a position was that of secretary of commerce, Roberto Flecti .

That corrupt, lacking economy, is yet another ally of the vice president who was involved in corruption, in which seven ministers resigned in September last year.

The current president faces two major obstacles in politics, lack of support and strong opposition, which supported former president Marcelo Ceboia , on the right, and a split within Peronism – the party of which Fernández is a part. The wing loyal to Vice President Cristina Kirchner abandoned him.

No funding for political disputes, no social function, no structuring function, in which it has been harmful to the population as there are no advances in the debate and implementation of policies that can bring growth and social and economic development to the population.

Without support, without money, the economy, in which the shock is now worsening as Peronism loses strength in Congress.

Without the mobsters having resources, without support, the Argentine president or any mafia and organized crime, stealing money for transport, amid the budget and public money that has been diverted, in which he cannot advance in social measures and plummets in popularity., with 72% rejection, mostly biggest supporter of a Lovecraft County mobster and super villain they were approached with, no money, no being on their payroll there was no fear, let alone support.

Without legal accountability, whoever had the head is rewarded by the managers of the board and the economy, there was an economic and political crisis, heads were rolling and nobody cared about anything, apart from bad management and the population suffering without support and growing poverty , negotiations were tense between senators and mismanagement in governments.

The political crisis is reflected in an external debt that only grows, in uncontrolled inflation and high unemployment. Today, almost 40% of Argentines are in poverty.

In addition to the risk of shortages, the money that was ambushed, under popular and economic pressure, exists in a pressure in which the movement for a new change, the ministry of economy pressed the command.

So, without money, there was no one to pay and corruption was palpable, so there was a push and pull game, the beginning of June was here, from an electoral point of view, the mayor did not have the money from the public coffers, in In the short term there was no money and no measure to solve this, for the consumer.

If there was no money, whoever was on the mobster's payroll would not be paid, there was a popular uprising, the government was blackmailed, but the blackmailer did not show up, the money disappeared, the mobster ran out of support, so they ran with unpredictable scenarios.

In some regions of the country there was a lack of fuel, prices soared, that was in all countries.

For the economist who was consulted, with tough measures “the big problem… The big difficulty is that they couldn't find a way to solve it and precisely what to do with this astronomical inflation at this level.