If there was the origin of several shits happening at the same time.
Finding out they had expense documents, document sheets, bills to sell, then at some point, they noticed the holiday killer... well... he came back...
Even so, there were those who stole it, but they keep killing..., and keep killing businessmen and people who would be involved with these bureaucratic issues...
One or two alleged missing bombs, a long list of bank robberies by mobsters and unscrupulous men, but unscrupulous men with many important contacts...
There, in that place where there were papers, which was a makeshift place, there was a long list of disappearances and kidnappings of people as important as the Queen of Sheba.
This spider organization leaked information to the media under the guise of blackmailing huge amounts of millions of dollars when they didn't do business with these people and what they didn't do but he knew they had a lot of information gathered now. at your service...