- They. - He said in the midst of a sob and then continued.
– He rented out four properties in a white neighborhood to several blacks. - Said.
- You should talk to them.
- Then. asked the detective.
- He was forced to dump. - Said.
Ku klux Klan ... he was their asshole, they didn't do much without being told, and that caused problems. - Said Tsukino Miki Hikaru.
The detectives went to the leader of Ku klux klan
Now the detectives were in the middle of what would be the office of a racist who doesn't like people of other colors very much.
As they were all white... and dressed in white...
- We will. - He said. - Black people didn't like it... - said the racist who didn't mince words.
They went to them and resolved it, yes they evicted them, but not everyone liked that, while their homes were partially destroyed and vandalized, and if so...
When, they went to summon all the ex-tenants and gave depositions...
#####Chapter 68
What they found was that...