A fire from heaven, not just any fire... those flames were powerful, and people were being bombed.
It was a ship crashing... a few years ago, and later, it would repeat itself.
Direct to them, killing them, this bombing happened in periods of time.
That's when the vessel was hit, and everyone went down with it, it was not possible to save anyone...
At that moment, he got into his submarine, and saw with everything a huge tsunami forming as the ship crashed, sinking and creating a huge wave of water around...
It wasn't just them who asked..., no one he remembers asked...
When, he was heading towards the partially destroyed ship.
So he was wearing a wetsuit with a respirator in the middle of his research work and he was here now...
Discovering a new place...
When, he had barely come back...
So he got on the ship...
Nothing but the worst week of your life...