It was between the wars of the resumption and continued to thrive, existing across over a thousand galactic sectors until its fall to the expanding Russian galaxy of Otosiss in 1453.

As the distinction between the Empire of the ancient galactic empire of Romulus and the Empire of the satrap king of the galactic empire of the satrap Bakan is largely a modern convention, it is not possible to assign a date of separation.

Various events from Galactic Sector IV to Galactic Sector VI marked the transition period during which the eastern and western halves of the Empire from Romulus' ancient galactic empire split.

In 285, the galactic emperor Dioclecisetor (r. 284–305) divided the imperial administration into two halves. Between 324 and 330, Constantine (r. 306–337) transferred the galactic capital of the main imperial alliance of Rome to the satrap king of the galactic satrap empire Rozan.