The result of the mafias is a bad economy and a bad democracy, where they are like us: they use Skype, they travel on Easyjet , they use WhatsApp.
Using the financing money, the fact that they always divert money that would be from taxes, so, when investing in the private market, they would have discounts.
We shouldn't be too surprised when they were hacked and spied on.
Just like I use Skype at work, so do they. Also, Skype and Whatsapp are very difficult to intercept, which is an advantage, but can they use the technology for more sophisticated forms of intimidation?
No, where the people I studied are not experts in cyber crimes, until I was able to use the help of experts, but they themselves don't know, where officially there are no mobsters, they don't exist, they live in hiding and act behind the scenes, they are always men who are mobsters, it would not be possible to negotiate or even introduce some of my old acquaintances to schemes like this.