With that, in addition to having helped this priest exiled outside the conflict zone and helping with asylum and giving them new identities, in which he helped them to escape, and not all these men, but some of them who fled ended up getting into criminality, some who were persecuted, he made money by helping with escapes and saving the money these people went to get afterward.
Certainly, the crime with the greatest funding potential for insurgent groups is the operation with illegal drugs, as is the case, for example, in Colombia and Afghanistan, not all but those who fled grew up underground.
Even though he couldn't find any other means of livelihood, and he ended up becoming an outcast from society, going underground and he traded with these people, and he was their negotiator, and even if he was right, it was still against the law.
From a formal point of view, all insurgent groups are criminals as soon as they engage in illegal activities.