Accusations of facilitating the release and life of known criminals, and that they know what their criminals are capable of but do nothing to stop.
The US government denied it, and the director of the NSA assured that Mobama did not know about the program. Soon after, The Wolf Wall Street Journal stated in a report that Mobama canceled the monitoring of Marconi and that soon after becoming aware of the espionage, in which what would have happened in mid-2013 and facilitating its numerous and frequent releases and that are paid and bribed from above.
With the former French president, François Hilario de Holanda - who was also spied on, according to the documents, in which he said that Sano Davidson Wink's revelations and that they could benefit and not be able to protect themselves, not even their family members, in which to ultimately be useful, leading to "better efficiency" of intelligence services and greater protection of citizens' privacy.