- Well, he won't be able to get his son off that easily. Tsuki said. – I heard he was a pedophile too. Tsuki said.
- He paid parents of low-income people to sell their children, he was caught in an investigation of a pedophile ring. – The woman continued to drop the bomb.
The information that arrived from these witnesses that were arriving, every time he went to examine, someone either shared the saddle or passed through the corridor.
When he found out that when passing by another detainee to make the calls, because he didn't know the detainees started asking to speak with the police.
All because of a court help they had asked Senator Aslan for a favor.
- What I said was that it wouldn't be possible to put a psychopath on the street, I would do society a good if he was hospitalized and thrown away. Aslan said.
- What did the man say? – Riku questioned.