In that way, with a sponge, he began to remove his fluids from their bodies, holding the human in the place that had lost his strength and was only standing, because he was supported by the demon and so the celestial blue fluids were carried by the water, down the drain and from there. way he turned the human in front of him saying.
- Even if you still don't love me like I love you, I'll be patient and wait. - He said hugging the man.
- I know thanks Trigon. – It said – I still don't love you as you love me, but I'll learn to love you and just be patient, but now I see you as a great companion. - He said tired.
So he took the man on his lap like a bride and took him out of the shower and took him outside and so taking a towel and gently drying him and so he spoke.
- When are we going to go back to sleep? - Said. – You better rest I know you have a party to host.
- Okay, I better go to sleep. - He said. - I don't belt pain anymore.