Then crumpled in his spread hands falling to the floor and pushing and pulling he screamed and groaned and the man tugged at his neck and sank his fangs into his flesh his jugular drinking like it was just wine a tasty wine and refreshing swigs hot and wonderful.

When he screaming and pulling his hips thrusting with his pelvis rhythmic movements of the hips his body slamming and he tried to push the man or rather vampire to be slapped in the buttocks and brutal motion slapping wet.

Between the hard slaps of skin against skin, the movement of the pelvis, his cock trapped in her hands pumping in increasingly wild and animalistic movements, brutal and powerful, mercilessly hitting their prostates.

Between the crackling slaps of their bodies beating and pounding with speed and fury and their screams amid pleasure the pleasure doubled with fury and anxiety waves of pleasure electricity coursed through his body every pore of his body enveloped in waves of electricity.