- You are mine and belong to me. – With each thrust and taking his penis and pumping it with the same speed as the thrusts, which are gradually increasing and accelerating making hoarse screams and tears that were confused by the torrential rain.
'Son of a bitch...' He smacked directly into his prostate. "No... hitting your bundle of nerves.
- I can't. – He was crying. - Not like this. - He moaned and whimpered between thrusts.
- I can't take it anymore, stop. - He yelped between thrusts.
- Fuck... - Knocks in and out. - Stop... - Get in and out. - Fuck... - More thrusts.
- Stop... Fuck - Coming in and hitting your nerve directly... - Damn you. – Directly into your prostate.
– Pervert.... There... – And so it started again faster and faster.
"You son of a bitch..." Thrust after thrust the vampire knew where to hit, knew where to hit him, thrust with precision right into his prostate.