Many years into the future.
Lovecraft County...
Elton Mendes was an engineer and businessman who was part of the group of executives at the Delphos company, he had been a widower for at least 9 months, but since he met her, they began to argue and fight, the problem was that they could not stay separated, in less than 9 months, they got together, broke up and got back together....
Twice the neighbors called the police, there was even violence and aggression on both sides, both his and hers.
A few days after a meeting they had left a party, no one knew how the argument started but it didn't end well.
A few hours later, the screaming was so loud and the noise and banging made them call 911.
While the police were called towards a couple's fight, according to witnesses, the boyfriend killed his girlfriend in a fit of jealousy.
He stabbed her until she mutilated her chest and sliced her neck off...