Their hands were cleaned and returning to the mattress Aslak took the fur to cover himself along the woman, locking her in his arms that wanted her to stay near as they rested.

"Nh! Husband, I will suffocate if we rest like this…"

"That's because you won't leave my gift and grasp me." — Cuddling to her crown Aslak told her uninterested.

"That is not true…"

"Grrrmm… Shush… Don't contradict me."


"Ewelina… Grrmm… Fatædi…"

"... Barbaric spouse…" — Cuddling back to the wide chest of the warm man, Ewelina blushed at the nice ambience while peeking at the beautiful and rustic accessory he had given. — "... I love it…"

"... What."

'I love you, my spouse…' — Inwardly she confessed once she heard his drowsy from exhaustion sound. — "Your gift… I love it."

"...haah… Fatædi…" — His hands caressed her back to her words, elated by the repetition of her like. — "I didn't know what you would like… I'm glad…"

"I like it…"