Scene CCLI

Both remained silent as the village’s head gave the opportunity to the conflicted Archduke to tell without concern what had traversed between the wedded and Aslak’s hands that grasped his knees while sitting before the warlock clenched, lowering his head finding no will to oppose Nolsvun’s sayings.

“I regret the very beginning.”


“These roots, wild and treacherous as they are, blinded me as I bought her… Trur… Ya know well the path those born as the Myrkzver head have to follow.”

“? What does the tradition have to do with the harm dealt to the Female?”

“… I didn’t want to die. Trur.”


“Her womb. From even before she was sent to Sortnafeigr. I ordered for it to be withered.”

“…… You withered…”