In which all of them, even Rozeaun Kratz . Rozeaun Kratz tries to team up with Audorisus to achieve this, but Audorisus refuses and leaves alone, so Rozeaun Kratz joins the Crimson Blades .

Meanwhile, Callo , imprisoned with Hardin and Joshua, begins to have visions of people's minds, when she discovers that Joshua is mute from so much fear and Hardin 's past , at that time, she should show the truth, but anyway, things irrelevant to the course of the end of the planet's progress , but at least it has some stake.

Further on, Rozeaun Kratz reveals to Sheldon that Audorisus would be the heir to the dark powers of the solar waves, in which he tries to stop this, but Sheldon says no, and kills Rozeaun. Kratz . Yes, that sounds really weird, but it will make sense later on.