- You may be a spirit, but I am better than you in years of experience in physical fights. - Tsuki said, turning his body, spinning and retaliating the punch in his face, when the unfortunate turned his face, then punching him, throwing him on top of Jodin who stood up, then pushing Tsuki who intercepted a second punch.

With that, launching him towards another building, the woman flew towards him, as Tsuki and Fuu joined and they then heard a crash towards the street.

Even when another lamprey appeared, stopping the fight, when both threw balls of energy, splitting them in half and then incinerating them.

He launched a ball of energy towards the three, when they realized that it was too late a space-time ball, but that launched them towards another city, it was Golden Valle, as they fought with kicks squirming and turning their body downwards. to avoid another energy ball.