What they saw, when kicking out the huge and gigantic lamprey, at that time, it fled through countless holes underground around several houses, he looked at the lamprey hiding between underground passages heading towards what would be a tunnel made by their huge mouths, when several eggs around them, hatched, spreading through other holes, at that time, they were bigger than three meters with several lamprey mouths disappearing towards other diverse holes around them.
The lamprey appeared in the air, as if trying to direct a psychic power towards the children of Fuu .
- Don't look. - Fuu said, but again it was too late, when everyone tried to commit suicide, the woman giving karate blows making them fall, Tsuki in turn was kicking him, taking the rope of his belt and tying them, when Jodin appeared again shooting blows and psychic waves towards the lamprey that diverted its attention, towards the alien.
- Tsuki they will kill... - Fuu said.