- A value that would make him a multimillionaire and not become poorer.
- Give a value... - Said his hostess.
Everyone there thought and started calling until...
- How about... - Trigon said... - That would be my contribution. - Said the red demon. – 550 billion dollars in solid gold. Trigon said.
- 330 billion euros. – Said a Lucifer .
- 700 billion dollars. – Azazel said .
– The gift of abundance and prosperity. – Mammon said .
– Forever millionaire. - Neron said.
- Luck. - Said Gabriel.
- A vacation package to travel to any part of the multiverse for a year round trip. - Said the Presence. — Without any one or danger finding it.
- Eternal youth. – Phantom Stranger said . – For as long as you need.
- So that he lacks nothing. - Said. Rafael. - Don't miss drink or food. - Said.
- So, in case he loses, no version of him in the multiverse will exist in life, he will be taken to me, and he will cease to exist completely. - Said the entity.
Should he fail to prevent death from arising by these means, he will be taken away and will no longer be able to reincarnate or return to any reality, any reality he lives in, his soul at any time.
If within seven days, the chosen cities, give in to the most intimate sins and kill, during that period of time, all the inhabitants of those cities, you will be condemned to hell for each one of you.
Then they will be taken to hell and divided equally. - Said the entity.
- Which cities will be chosen? – They questioned.
- Gotham, Metropolis, Central, Keystone, Gateway City, Coast City, Keystone City, Star City and finally Fawcett City.
Current moment, after the two weeks.
- Then. - Said Tsuki Miki. “Besides, I won a bet. - Said Tsuki Miki.
- A trip. - Said Tsuki Miki.
- Do you want the money? – Questioned Phantom Stranger .
Tsuki Miki looked enraged.
- Of course I do. - Said.
- I'll give my gap year. - Said Tsuki Miki.
A mountain of gold and money and many other things appeared in front of him in the cave...
A long time ago
An eons past in a distant realm of another mystical dimension long ago torn apart by wars, being that it was the ravages of nature for some, who worshiped their eons past in a distant realm of another mystical dimension.
Knowing that in your broken and embittered ancestors of an immense plain ravaged by destruction and a battlefield of gods of ancient Ragnarok,
Among these warring grounds stands a red silhouette of a slender and powerful cosmic entity, long disowned by barbarians in an eons past in a distant realm of another mystical dimension that fell to monstrous wars.
Whose name was this eons past in a distant realm of another mystical dimension, Astron was lost because of successive wars and progressive devastation, there was no time to save many peoples, it was mostly total.
As for the few that were left, they were of an ancient religion they worshiped the primate goddess gradually regressing they prayed everyday to ancient ancient gods
Those were forgotten times and long wars of eternal proportions.
While wars took place in distant times, in an immense and ancient constellation, old worlds when they still existed.
They were the ones who ruled the existing solar systems in their dark and stinking civilization destroyed amid chaos.
In Zaraniun 's past ages , when they were just babies crawling through birth in their pre-industrial civilization.
It was centuries past before the fall of the ancient gods there was a civilization but it was much older this one worshiped ancient and righteous gods who received rewards for being worshiped
The ancient scientists of this world were nothing more than priests lost amidst the desolation and thus swearing amidst ancient prayers invoking ancient names that rivaled their beliefs.
Even in the course of what happened, in which then before their own destruction and their cataclysm, minutes before the actual collapse amidst the light that appeared amidst a lava flow that rose, and when they isolated themselves underground.
As the skeletal remains of life strewn across the surface of a barren land of a white dwarf, and decaying bodies extant remnants of life from its countless ages past, in a distant realm of another mystical dimension, there was prayer and despair among the majority. of adults.
What happened, in the last moments of life at that very moment the regret of those who abdicated their beliefs and the end of a life, and their gods they in this moment of destruction.
Becoming what they were in moments of time when everything changed in the impending catastrophe that moments and remnants of civilization destroyed seconds before their impending deaths and lava covered their bodies from the implosion of the solar system and what was left of it...
As all that changed, the deaths lurked and the final seconds before destruction the shattered layers and the rising flames and these remnants of rock the parts of asteroids and constellations.
It was in their investigations that they were in those next few seconds amidst the destruction when everyone lost hope the cosmos extinguishing rocks and comets and asteroids closing in on shattered orbit a maelstrom and destruction wreathed in flames and lava lights.
All this, was what was left of frozen seas breaking and rising evaporating with the lava that rose the lava the center of the earth moments before bodies evaporating and self-destructing along with the center of gravity that collapsed the stars disappearing and with lights and in this solar system .
The one that was becoming something different, when the white dwarf that was once a sun and now the black hole that sucked in the closest stars and sucked in like never before was a star and rising up the clouds of poisonous gas.
When they were in these cosmic substances and at that time when children were engulfed in flames and their ages past, in a distant realm another mystical dimension destroyed everything embraced.