As for Hadley and his wife Valeria, they were taken to the police station, where both their son, Lanny, who underwent an examination for traces of gunpowder, died, her husband of 66 years, was found dead, with a series of shots in his body, he was found dead, the victim of murder, on the floor of his own bathroom, his ex-wife and son were the focus of the investigation.

Detectives began by investigating the condominium doctor, who responded to the call.

He looked like Moris got a call.

- You know I don't know how that happened. - The measured said.

They were also interrogating the son.

- What there was? – The detective questioned.

- My mother is screaming, I heard that she did not stop moving.

The detective questioned him. – Does your father have guns?

- I think there is - The boy said.

What happened to find him like this? – A detective questioned him.

- When we went to the kitchen, looking at the room, she looked hysterical out of control.