So, they brought a shoe that they found in the searches.
Suddenly, she couldn't keep her sanity, because they found the boy's belongings.
On the second day of two weeks of searches, the woman did not see her other children, because she wanted to protect them from all that, the chaos and difficulties, when the press weighed heavily on the investigations.
It was one o'clock in the morning, when she was lying in bed, a second later, someone knocked on the woman's door.
She went downstairs, opening the door, there was Tsuki who said. - I need to talk to you.
- We found the body of a child, but we don't know if it's Chris.
- There's no other missing child. - The woman said.
Even wanting to give hope, there was nothing else to be done, the woman leaned against him, crying hand in hand.
She knew she wouldn't wake up from that nightmare, simple as that.