- Now. - growled Darkness - Suck it. – Darkness snarled, Tsuki had no choice but to suck it.
It was a finger fuck in and out of him, Tsuki tried to squirm away, but for every attempt, the smaller man received slaps on his ass and squeezes from his cock.
- Behave yourself. - growled Darkness. – Or it will be worse. - He growled, pulling him, meanwhile, in which Tsuki held the side of Darkness's pants, - Pulling towards his face.
– You asked for it. - Growled Darkness opening his legs, and Darkness's fingers, the ancient god holding him turning him to his feet, he kept him upright supported on his chest.
He took him towards his planet, amidst a few attacks leaving his henchmen and a few soldiers keeping the heroes busy.
- We have to stop using raids to find each other. Tsuki said.
- I'll think of another way for us to meet. – Darkness said.