- A human. – The man said, turning around reluctantly. – I thought my fight was against an alien, a Selenian. – Breaking said. - But, I needed to worry about a human, the so-called Dark-Dragon. – The alien said.
- I have him by my side, we are lovers, he will be the avatar. – Darkness said.
- What? - Breaking said, almost shouting.
- That fierce man ran away from my men, invaded my dungeon, freed my prisoners, in addition to implanting a bomb in the mothership, promising to kill billions of my race. – Breaking said.
- Since when? – Breaking said.
- Some weeks ago. – Darkness said.
- I... - The man was silent then.
- Give me a week to decide. – Breaking said.
At that time, Darkness smilingly said.
- I will leave a representative. - Darkness said, leaving the planet, with his hordes.
Darkness returned to Akropolis, sorting out the bureaucratic issues.
About that.
Present moment.